About BCconf
The annual Blockchain and its applications conference summon together technical and financial experts, entrepreneurs, researchers, government delegates and Blockchain enthiusists under one roof to share the cutting edge knowledge on technology, Finetech, market trends, new applications, business opportunities and much more.
University at Kota Damansara, Malaysia
October 2019
Call for paper
Upload your paper/talk proposal here.
BCconf 2019 Speakers
Here are some of our speakers

Luke Jones
CEO & Co-Founder at Fortifex

Dr Tim Frey
Founder/Managing Director at Iunera

Moses Wanki Park
Barrister at Liberty Chambers

A. Fattah Yatim
Chairman at Malaysia’s National Standards Technical Committee on Blockchain

Dr. Sindhu Bhaskar
Director at EST Capital

Effendy Zulkifly

Marcus Tan Kian Han
Advocate & Solicitor| Blockchain Legal Architect

Dr. A.J. Minai
CMO & Co-Founder at Subture

Alex Siew
Fund Manager at VCB Capital Asset Management

Khairul Fadhli
CEO at Ofdast Network

Dr Liew Voon Kiong
CEO at Easywave Technology Berhad

Koh How Tze
Co-Founder, Crypto Valley Malaysia

Dr Prakash Christiansen
CEO at Vulsan X & VP of SAN Group

Tiago Costa Alves
VP Asia Pacific at Aptoide / AppCoins

Anshu Pandey
Chief Technical Advisor for IoT and AI

Matthew Pragasam
Head of Product at WorldQuest

Ji Sheng Tan
Co-Founder & Core-developer at Trivechain

Harpreet Singh Maan
CEO and Co-founder at Blocklime

Dr Kar Seng Loke
CTO at Data Smart

Homam Alghorani
CEO & Founder at Wonderland Technologies

Raymond Cheong
Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Onchain Custodian

Duane Healey
Managing Director at MERGE ASSOCIATES

Chee Yik Keong
Chief Product Officer at Pentajeu

Dr. NorAzmi Alias
Senior Vice President at Science Center

Eric Alexandre Ceret
Creator & Founder Jetcoin

Md Abul Kalam Azad
Senior AI & Blockchain Expert

Darren Chee Shin Koong
Cloud and Big Data Experience

Lev Umanov
LAdvisor at Platinum.fund & QDAO StableCoins USDQ, KRWQ, & Virtuse exchange

Sidharth Sogani
CEO at CREBACO Global Inc | Block Next Solutions LLP

Tan Lim Soon Fu
CTO at EPC Blockchain

Tarun Sukhani
Founder at Abundent & Entrepreneur

Tijo Bear
Vision Engineer at EPIC Cash

Jonathan Morgan
RegTech lead at Sia partners

Evan Ngow
Crypto Catalyst. Blockchain Evangelist & Specialist

Roberto Capodieci
Blockchain Tech Expert, Founder at BlockchainZoo

Veronica Andrino
CEO Adsolve Co | Director Financial IT APAC

Amie Lin
Director at Magnetiseme

Quoc Danh Bui
Founder at Plus Academy

Masumi Hamahira
Grand Councillor, Chartered Institute of Islamic Finance Professionals

Amarjit Singh
Co-founder Blockchain Academy Malaysia
BCconf 2019 Schedule
Here is our event schedule
This is the interim conference agenda. It subjects to change without notice.
Registration opens
The conference badges can be collected from the reception desk.

Arrival of PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Industry 4.0 standard

Present on stage Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Moderated Forum between Partners/Sponsor with Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Welcome Note Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Welcome Message to Dr Mahathir Mohamad

KEYNOTE ADDRESS Dr Mahathir Mohamad
YAB Tun Dr Mahathir, Prime Minister

Official Launch of IR4.0 – MYINDUSTRIES Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Panel session

Forum Dr Mahathir Mohama
Forum discussion

Signing of Plague, Photo Session, Exhibition Tour and Press Conference Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Meet and Greet sesion

visit booths at Exhibition halls Dr Mahathir Mohamad
Industry 4.0 Forum

End of day 1 Closure
conference closed
Registration opens
The conference badges can be collected from the reception desk.

Blockchain & Energy Tan Lim Soon Fu
Monetisation energy data with Blockchain

Blockchain & Economy Raymond Cheong
Token economy and safekeeping digital assets

Exhibition hall opens All venders
To be announced soon

Blockchain & Analytics Dr. Tim Frey
What big data analytics can tell us about the future of crypto

Coffee break & social networking Cafeteria
To be announced soon

Blockchain & Patents Dr Kar Seng Loke
Concept timestamping on Blockchain & Decentralization

Blockchain & Law Moses Wanki Park
Dispute resolution mechanisms for blockchain related work

Blockchain & Entrepreneurship Dr. AJ Minai
Why most blockchain startups fail & how to succeed?

Lunch break Cafeteria
half an hour lunch break

Blockchain & industry Jonathan Morgan
Blockchain Revolutionizing Industries

Blockchain & Government Dr Liew Voon Kiong
Building a Digital Government with Blockchain

Blockchain & Supply Chain Harpreet Singh Maan
Supply chain powered by IR4.0

Coffee break & social networking Cafeteria
To be announced soon

Blockchain & Economy Eric Alexandre Ceret
How the token economy is disrupting our economies and is creating new wealth for early adopters

Panel discussion Panel Discussion
Dr Minai, Matthew Pragasam, Kishore M, Tiago Costa Alves, Luke Jones

Blockchain & Entertaiment Ji Sheng Tan
The benefit of games and entertainment using Blockchain Technology

Blockchain & cryptocurrency Lev Umanov
A unique mathematical formula to predict the future bitcoin price movements

Blockchain & Authenticity Amarjit Singh
The future of authenticity, integrity and ownership
Registration opens
The conference badges can be collected from the reception desk.

Conference Opening Opening session
Blockchain & AI & Applications BCconf 2019 Conference

Blockchain & Digital Identity Chee Yik Keong
Blockchain for Digital Identity and Social Credit

Blockchain & Security Matthew Pragasam
Blockchain Forensics - Know Your Transaction

AI & Banking Anshu Pandey
Artificial Intelligence for Banking & Finance / How to plan for next generation banking with AI?

Blockchain and Crypto trading Luke Jones
Why Holding is a bad idea for the next Bull run - strategies to keep you safe and profitable

Exhibition hall opens All venders
To be announced soon

Blockchain & Community Veronica Andrino
The benefits of Hemp and how it will help the society

Coffee break & social networking Cafeteria
To be announced soon

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Sidharth Sogani
Cryptocurrency Regulations and Scams in ICOs

Blockchain & Artificial Intelligence Alex Siew
Adaptation of algorithm to suit local futures & stock market products’ behavioural patterns.

Blockchain & Security Dr Prakash Christiansen
Digitalization Impact on Corporation & how Cyber Security Threat has taken new center stage in today’s economic condition

Blockchain & Economy Evan Ngow
The Rise of the Digital Economy - Exploring Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies

Lunch break Cafeteria
One hour lunch break

Blockchain & AI Dr NorAzmi Alias
Creating new business opportunities through collaboration in Ai and Machine Learning

Blockchain & Business Amie Lin
Blockchain is a movement

Blockchain & Community Duane Healey
How blockchain changed my life

Blockchain & Finance A. Fattah Yatim
Satoshi Vision: How can we apply Blockchain to Islamic Finance

AI & Fintech Quoc Danh Bui
The mega-trend STO with Ai & Fintech

Coffee break & social networking Cafeteria
To be announced soon

Panel discussion Panel Discussion
Moses Wanki Park, Dr Liew Voon Kiong, Dr Prakash Christiansen, Anshu Pandey, Dr. NorAzmi Alias

Blockchain & Regulation Marcus Tan Kian Han
Blockchain -- Mindset Change Vital for Successful Implementation
Registration opens
The conference badges can be collected from the reception desk.

Workshop 1 Alex Siew
CRYPTO CURRENCIES TRADING MASTERCLASS : GLOBAL MARKET, LOCAL PERSPECTIVES - You must have a workshop or workshop-plus ticket to attend

Workshop 2 Anshu Pandey
AI FOR BANKING – BUILDING AI DRIVEN BANKING SYSTEM - You must have a workshop or workshop-plus ticket to attend

Workshop 3 Tarun Sukhani
Implementing AI in Blockchain - You must have a workshop or workshop-plus ticket to attend
Conference Venue
BCconf venue location info and gallery
University at Kota Damansara, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The RM300 million flagship campus is a hallmark of private higher education in Malaysia. Our flagship campus accentuates a unique architecture, an eclectic inspiration by colonial and Roman designs. We are responsible to carry the initiatives to bring the future of private education scene to a highly strategic location in Kota Damansara.
Here are some nearby hotels
Check our gallery from the recent events

What is the cancellation policy?
Full payment is required prior to admittance to the conference. Registrations are transferable and non-refundable. Registrants may have a 1-for-1 credit towards another BCconf event. Credit must be used within two years from original registration date.
What if I cannot come to the conference?
You need to contact BCconf event organizers at least 1 day prior to the start of conference date to transfer the credit for another event. Otherwise your registration will be considered as a "no show" and there will be no credit transfer.
Is there discount for the hotel room where the conference is held?
Yes. The event organizers collaborated with the hotel management to provide you the best accommodation deals.
Will I get hotel booking discount for extended stay?
Yes. The hotel management provided all the same discount rate until the upcoming weekend for all conference participants.
Do I need Visa to travel to Malaysia?
It depends on your nationality. Please contact your local authority to find out more regarding travel visa requirement.
Can I register onsite at the event?
Yes. There is extra $100 fee for onsite registration.
What is the conference policy regarding privacy?
Program and speakers are subject to change without notice. BCconf reserves the right to use attendee company names, titles, images, and photos for future promotions. Please read the terms and conditions page for the complete policy.
Where and When is the BCconf 2019?
BCconf 2019 will be held at University at Kota Damansara, nearby of the beautiful city of Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia in 14-17 October, 2019.
For News and updates, please enter your email below.
Buy Tickets
Locals can pay in Malaysian currency and international attendees in U$.
- Exhibition hall
- Conference sessions
- General keynote sessions
- Expert developer sessions
- Panel sessions
- After Party
- Workshop training
- Exhibition hall
- Conference sessions
- General keynote sessions
- Expert developer sessions
- Panel sessions
- After Party
- Workshop training
Pay by Crypto
- Exhibition hall
- Conference sessions
- General keynote sessions
- Expert developer sessions
- Panel sessions
- After Party
- Workshop training
Contact Us
For any further inquiry, please fill out the form.